Saturday, February 12, 2011

How Much Does A Game Blunt Cost


My dear colleague Ursula Poznanski has thrown me a stick. No, I have not suddenly started to bark or to retrieve items, but I like to answer the attached questions books.

Hardcover or paperback?

For visual and tactile reasons certainly bound books. Favorite books by favorite authors, I must have committed some point, because multiple read anything Paperback feels good. And new publications to which I can not wait, too. But because of space, price and suitability for holidays to buy already mostly paperbacks.

Amazon or bookstore?

If I know what I want very much Amazon. I just love to get mail,'m looking like a little girl about packages, it's quick and easy, what more could you want. Books are for me a piece of paradise, however. There, I munch on as you like and buy as much as I can bear. Most gut decisions, appeals to me because a cover or a blurb. In my local bookstore to order but then something, because I think it's important to support smaller bookstores. A bit of everything, would be the answer.

Bookmark or dog-ear?

Definitely bookmark, and I am flexible. Everything can be a bookmark, the coolie, the shopping list, the recipe. Bookmark find correct I great, they happily stow the bedside or on a shelf, but they've never ever at hand when I needed it.

Order by author, title or disordered?

anarchy reigns in the crowd, because I share more than read and unread. But I have some shelves for the favorites. The Harry Potter shelf. The Lord of the Rings shelf. The Stephen King Regal. The ladies shelf. And so on.

hold, sell or throw away?

WegWAS? Throw? Never in my life. Selling is I too cumbersome, you also know then do not get into what hands the books. Offer the really rare and always keep anyway. I collect little stamps, coins, leaves me cold all. But books belong to me when I have time. Books are easy for home and well-being.

keep dust jacket or throw away?

Huh? Why wegdingsen matter now? The part of it! This is not like the packaging of ham toast!

read with jacket or without?

with most, except for thick books, where I know he could suffer through the days, then I spare him sometimes. Especially since a traumatic experience, in which a beloved Harry Potter final, won by Midnight in the British Book Shop, and an evil, evil Coke bottle leaks were involved.

short story or novel?

I'm not a big short story reader. I never was. Even in the holy Stephen King I know it only in part. I dive just happy to be there in stories and worlds to me a few pages too few.

quitting when one is tired or if the chapter is over?

Normally at the end of chapters. But every now and again even in the middle if I get interrupted or fall to the eyes.

"The night was dark and stormy" or "Once upon a time"?

Could not say. This time even that.

buy or rent?

Now Only. I am very poor in respect of time limits or returning borrowed Things. I always say friends, who force me books. First, my sub is huge, second, I forget it, and guaranteed to finish, I want to keep any books may also.

New or used?

New books smell good. Or very, very old. But this second hand, which I like less, I do not know why. This is the case with almost everything. Only the books my grandmother, who I picked. the smell still a little for her cigarettes and her perfume. Yes, really! In addition, there are chocolate stains, gravy stains and grease stains. This is sad, but also with fond memories connected. My grandmother loved books.

purchasing decision: bestseller list, review, recommendation or browse?

I used to just browsed. Today I read a lot in books for forums and let me know about something. Most of all of Kossi.

Closed End or Cliffhanger?

me of all the Cliff Hanger in the world, I buy the books then stop until the last. The system is quite good. Then you have very much time to dive and still end up a real end. Harry Potter was the great exception, as was not seen. But otherwise this is quite good, even if you stop at many hype is not up to date, see Panem, precious stones or splinters heart. But then everything I read, the better the piece that is more satisfying.

morning read, noon or night?

If I have time. And then rather than several hours each day just a little bit. I eat books. I like it less, they consume only appetizers.

single band or show?

See above. If series then only at the end. So I also handle the case of television series. I like the older I get, not to wait for something. The thought could happen to me before I found out the ending! :-O

favorite show?

Harry Potter of course. Followed by Lynley Mystery by Elizabeth George.

favorite book, has never heard from anyone?

No one would be excessive. But I am very enthusiastic for my Japanese. made out of it, despite this bad horror flick that Hollywood is Suzuki's "Ring" trilogy unjustly little known. A milestone! And at every opportunity I emphasize how terrific Haruki Murakami and Banana Yoshimioto are. "Kitchen" by Yoshimoto is probably the book that will be mentioned here most likely, although this is by no means unknown.

favorite book you've read last year?

Ha! It's easy. The Book of Stöckchenwerferin course, "Erebus" :-)

What book are you reading now?

I'm in The thriller phase. At the moment I read "cold ash", next is then "Darkly Dreaming Dexter," All right.

absolute favorite book of all time?

still and for ever "it". But Harry Potter and Lord of the rings are almost equal to the mark.

favorite authors?

King, Tolkien, Rowling, Shakespeare, Suskind, George, Murakami, Yoshimoto, Harris, Fielding, * draws breath *, Glattauer, Fitzek, end, Moers, Hesse, Hackl and so on.

I throw the baton on to fellow Petra A. Bauer and her author blog.


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