Monday, February 28, 2011

Metods For Masterbation For Women

New Items of the Week

Actually, there should be no new entries this week (not because I would want to, but because nothing has just happened).
But then yesterday there is a nice DVD evening with nice friends and one of them mine? Yes, a belated birthday gift. And that could even include just one ... Thank you, Anna!

You want my soul and my boyfriend?
Trying to work things out with Nash - maybe her boyfriend - is hard enough for Kaylee Cavanaugh. She can not just pretend nothing happened. But "complicated" does not even begin to describe their relationship when his ex-girlfriend transfers to their school, determined to take Nash back.
See, Sabine isn't just an ordinary girl. She's a mara, the living personification of a nightmare. She can read people's fears - and craft them into nightmares while her victims sleep. Feeding from human fear is how she survives.
And Sabine isn't above scaring Kaylee and the entire school to death to get whatever - and whoever - she wants.
I don't think so.

Some secrets shouldn't be kept ...
Until three months ago, sixteen-year-old Camelia's life had been fairly ordinary. Then a mysterious boy named Ben started junior year at her school and changed everything.
Rumored to be somehow responsible for his ex-girlfriend's death, Ben is immediately ostracized by everyone on the campus. Except for Camelia. Despite the rumors, she's inexplicably drawn to him ... and to his touch. But soon, Camelia is receiving eerie phone calls and strange packages with threatening notes. Ben insists she's in danger, and that he wants to help - but can he be trusted? She knows he's hiding something ... but he's not the only one with a secret.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Anime Tounge Piercing

critique of pure physics (1)

from FAZ.NET 26 2. 2011

The spirit of revolution

attacks in North Africa, the spirit of revolution around. In my office, everything is peaceful and geared to system maintenance. Only two floors above me are the fronts but more far less clear. If you talk with Professor Pavel Kroupa, the spirit of revolution is suddenly within reach in our Argelander Institute for Astronomy. Pavel Kroupa often speaks about the failure of the established system, of the need of alternatives and of the mechanisms by which system opponents will be unable to do their work.

When Pavel Kroupa speaks in such a rage, he discusses, however, not politics. His subject is the so-called "dark matter crisis", ie the crisis of the established, standard cosmological model, the so-called Lambda Cold Dark Matter Cosmological Concordance Model "(LCDM CCM). This model makes statements about the development and composition of the universe, and seems very well with most cosmological observations to match. It contains several free parameters could be determined very precisely in the last decades, so that understand the history of our universe by and large seems to be quite good. The flaw is known to be a need for two previously completely misunderstood sizes: the dark energy and dark matter, which together account for about 96% of the energy-matter content of the universe.

dark matter is particularly necessary in order to explain the rotation curves of galaxies and provide additional mass in galaxy clusters. You need dark matter, so that the observable matter in galaxies is moving in such a way as it should according to Newton. However, there are problems on the scale of galaxies with the CCM model. In particular, the properties of satellite galaxies small galaxies, large galaxies like the Milky Way can assist, by the standard model can not be explained. This is where Pavel Kroupa. It notes the problems of the standard model as an opportunity to show support for a modified gravity alternative cosmological models, such as MOND (Modified Newtonian dynamics) or MOG (modified gravity). were discussed in his debate with Prof. Simon White last November here in Bonn, in which arguments for and against a departure from the standard model, compared Pavel Kroupa of cosmology, the current situation with that of the Copernican turn. On his website he also leads the development of Analogies Quantum mechanics and the transition to relativity theory. These are all classic examples of scientific upheavals of scientific revolutions. But how does one arrive later, when scientists speak of revolutions in the context of physics?

'Garching simulation', Jenkins et al. 1998, Journal Astophysical

The notion of scientific revolution was coined by Thomas Kuhn and his 1962 book, "The Structure of Scientific Revolution." One of the main theses of the book is that the Development of science proceeds not so that cumulative science simply by more and more knowledge is accumulated. Instead, Kuhn sees radical breakthroughs in the history of science, which prevent that one can say that we know more and more. You just know "different." It is change scientific methods, the scientific subject matter, scientific concepts and scientific standards. This all leads referred Kuhn to the fact that there is no communication between pre-and post-revolutionary science. It is easy to point to specific questions disagree, and there is no authority that would be able to decide who is right added. There is for instance both in the context of the standard model and in the context of modified gravity theories, observations that can not be explained. What you see as the key to? Is it "worse" if the properties of satellite galaxies can not be explained, as if the theory is possibly more complicated and is weak on large scales?

ends Ultimately you in questions of personal weight, and that makes the mood in the environment of scientific revolutions, just as strong emotionally charged. Where there are no clear arguments more convincing you can not, but only . Persuade In addition, the potential of new theories can only fully develop when the scientific community provides sufficient resources for a detailed elaboration of the new approach. The reason to do so, but can only be a belief in the potential of the new theory. Whether this belief is really justified, can only prove the fact. To the "risk" of a new theory really address, and the incumbent to turn, the dissatisfaction in size with the existing conditions enough. Oneself from the mainstream to avert always carries a risk, it brings uncertainty and danger, for ever from the scientific community to be excluded.

The need for a general dissatisfaction with the existing system is in addition to splitting the community into different camps according to Kuhn, one of the points of the analogy does fit into a political revolution. have achieved in politics, the dissatisfaction of some value, so that the people see no other way out than to go on the road.
Debate: Simon White (left), Pavel Kroupa (right) and Hans-Peter Nilles Bethe Colloquium in November's 2010th

And just as in politics, the established academic system tries to defend his position as long as possible. As Mubarak tried to defend with minimal concessions to the demonstrators his presidential status as long as possible, is also available in the science strategy, the scope of the theory in question and reduce problems caused by ad hoc assumptions to defuse. Whether the introduction of dark energy and dark matter and, as such, ad hoc assumptions, and thus seen as a sign of future dwindling power of the CCM model, or whether it simply a question he has time to be in the context of the established theory of a response related to the question of the nature is to be seen.

In Egypt, Mubarak has plunged, Gaddafi still. The standard model, however, has so far been in power. We will see whether and if so when to be strong dissatisfaction within the cosmology is that we also can experience a revolution, or whether the standard model will prove durable as a proper description of the universe.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Fix 2 Year Old Constipation

from the Neolithic Revolution

Neue Zürcher Zeitung from 25 2. 2011

For the first time Wheels

"New Stone Age in Transition" - an exhibition at the Badische Landesmuseum Karlsruhe

Under the title "New Stone Age in Transition "dedicated to an exhibition of the Badische Landesmuseum in Karlsruhe castle known as Michel Berger culture. The show also conveys a sense of what daily life in Europe looked like 6,000 years ago.

By Cornelia Isler-Kerényi

In a letter from his Prussian colleague of 20 October 1884, Ernst Wagner, the Grand Ducal Baden Conservator of Antiquities, the discovery of ancient shards when reported on a picturesque hill near Grombach lying Michael Chapel. You are the occasion for an exhibition at the Karlsruhe Palace, which is linked thematically to that of the sensational discoveries vorneolithischen in eastern Turkey.

from the excavations that began in 1888 and other similar discoveries in Central Europe is emerging is the Neolithic from about 4300-3500 BC Michel Berger datable culture. As in the catalog clearly stated, however, should not in prehistoric context, the term "culture" are used uncritically and understood. Where that is only material, usually even only inorganic is available, any clue about the language and world view is lacking, it is difficult to decide whether indicate similarities or differences in the archaeological record on "economic and transport facilities, cultural facilities, wedding parties, garage parties or technology areas" . Material witness Michel Berger culture is, in addition to animal horns and bones, and various stone tools, hand formed simple ceramics, stained differently by the fire, sometimes with Ritz geometric patterns decorated and amazingly rich in forms is: In addition to storage vessels of considerable scope, there are different pots, bowls and drinking vessels. Advance are the typical elegant tulip cups, which can be decorated with a pearl chain attached Knubbenleisten.

The earthworks

The limited material base also makes the interpretation of the most striking feature of Michel Berger culture, earthworks, controversial. This is the limit-populated in part, of varying scope of land by an approximately oval-shaped system of earth graves, or sequences of pits, and low of formed from the excavation walls, in places by bridges impassable or have been reinforced by wooden palisades. A concrete image provides an introduction to the issue of actual-size model of access to such an earthwork. Did these systems of defense, or ceremonial purposes as Viehkrale? For a ritual function in any case says the funds carefully deposited ceramics, animal bones and raw and unused, in the silex blades imported from far away Grave in the sole of the model shown earthworks at Bruchsal, "Aue" in Karlsruhe. All three of these uses are also possible at the same time. It is significant in any case that is now circumscribed country a special significance was determined with ideas.

The dimensions of these exchanges, it is hard to imagine otherwise than that they were jointly planned and executed. This in turn presupposes the existence of certain social structures. Because are detected in the culture today Michel Berger neither outstanding nor grave cemeteries plants, but usually only pits with a large number of skeletons, it is rather egalitarian organized Societies. The formation of hierarchies, ie the protruding economically and socially dominant characters seems to be only with the use of the metals to be passed along to say first of copper. In a changing society in any case also indicated the changing settlement patterns in short time intervals.


It deserves to be emphasized here that not only the rich, attractive catalog, but also the special exhibition, Michel Berger culture not as a , the Baden country characteristic phenomenon present, but represent more decidedly in their environmental, geographical and temporal context and appear to be dynamic and multifaceted. It is understandable, as it has evolved from earlier phases of agriculture and domestication made possible by sedentary lifestyles and some of those different, which have flourished at the same time at the lake shores of the foothills. These are for research and for the audience-presentation preference, even on organic material - have, what makes a true picture of life at that time - Bast, textiles, wood and bark. In the second part of the show are accordingly numerous finds from excavations to marvel at in Switzerland.

lakes and rivers were known until 150 years ago by far the most important communications, transport and transport routes to larger distances. So the earthworks of Michel Berger culture were usually close to water courses. Nevertheless, the invention of the wheel was not only practically important because it as the harvesting easier, but probably also as a manifestation of human ingenuity. However, it now seems doubtful that this invention is a one-on shortly after 3500 BC in Mesopotamia datable event, radiating north and west. Even in Eastern and Central Europe Go depictions of cars - as well as the oldest known ruts in Schleswig-Holstein - on the second half of the 4th Millennium back. To illustrate the wheel here from Zurich Riesbach be seen, which is also dated to around 3200 BC, and the reconstruction of a Neolithic car that inspired the exhibition.

metal technology

The expansion of the horizon to the east are some already on the last time before 4000 BC, declining hoards from Poland, the Czech Republic, Austria and Hungary. They document the Penetration of metal technology to Central Europe and a growing appreciation for copper, gold and then silver as status symbols. The catalog Pfahlbauromantik forms in the paintings of the 19th Century, the financial statements. This will realize how much the required archaeological research and the presentation of their results, the ongoing critical review of modern projections onto the past - and profit from it too.

Neolithic in transition. Baden State Museum in Karlsruhe. To 15 May 2011. Catalog (Primus Verlag, Darmstadt) € 39 -.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Roccaforte Monica Peliculas Online

[review] Marianne Curley, The Named (Guardians of Time)

Paperback, 352 Seiten
Bloomsbury (11. Mai 2010)
ISBN-13: 978-1599905433

Inhalt :
'Do you love her?'
'I, I don't know exactly, but ...'
My eyes move to Isabel's lifeless body.
If I'm her soul-mate, then I have a chance to save her ...
Imagine you were able to change the past. By altering one tiny thing, you could start a chain of catastrophic events ...
Ethan is Named - he has the ability to travel back in time, where he must use his special skills to try to intercept the dark forces intent on unravelling history. But Ethan is also a normal schoolboy, and leading a single life with a double identity is becoming just too much to handle, especially when even the normal part is getting more and more complicated.

Zum Buch:
Ethan has been Named for some time. He is now sixteen and pretends to live a normal life. He goes to school and acts like any teenager should. But his spare time is filled with paranormal activities. As Ethan is working for the Guard, his duty is to save history from the influence of Chaos - delivered by the Order.
All is well until Isabel becomes Ethan's apprentice and the old Prophecy is about to fullfill itself - everything changes.

This story is a blend of contemorary fantasy and historical fiction. Ethan and Isabel are able to travel through time. Their mission is to prevent intervenence of the Order in historical events to change the present time.
Fast-paced and written in easily understandable English, this story stuns with its creative ideas and unexpected developments in relationships.

Ethan was Named at the age of five and has been a loyal member of the Guard from then on. He is good at his job and being Named is everything Ethan wants to be. All in all, he is a very likeable and interessting character. Moreover, Ethan suffers from a bad relationship to his parents, who are both traumatised since the sudden death of Ethan's sister some years ago. 
Due to his secret job, Ethan has barely contact to others of his age - especially since his former best friend Matt has cancelled their friendship because of his girlfriend. 
Ethan is gifted with the ability to cast illusions and to move objects with the power of his mind.

Isabel is Matt's sister and was secretly in love with Ethan when they where kids. She is only one year younger than her brother and an ace. Most of all, Isabel loves to be outdoors. One day, she discovers her ability to heal herself and soon after is introduced to the Order by Ethan. She too is Named and destined to prevent Chaos. 

The story is gripping and well constructed. Like most of kick-offs "The Named" is meant to introduce the reader into the world and to set the scene. But instead of lingering in scene-setting, this novel gives an intriguing story and loveable characters who master difficult problems. "The Named" entertains and lets the reader eagerly await the sequel.

Both of the protagonists take turns in telling the story as first-person narrators. This allows the reader a deeper insight into the happenings and the thoughts and characteristics of the protagonists. Thanks to the chosen narration the story is fast-paced and easy to read. As no difficult vocabulary is used the novel is perfect for readers who are not fluent readers of English.

How Is Menchies Priced- How Much Per Ounce

sleep, brain, consciousness.

from Siemens Siemens Siemens

sleep: Bewusstslos by reorganization? decrypt

researchers, why do we lose our consciousness to sleep

Why do we lose consciousness when we sleep, even though our brain is still working? To this question now, scientists have found an answer: measurements during the transition to different sleep stages showed that networks are systematically reorganized our brain during sleep. Thus, the hippocampus and frontal lobes, responsible for memory and higher control processes, coupled out, areas that respond to external stimuli, but remain partially active.

plane still awake and fully conscious, and seconds later we are asleep. Outwardly, sleep is considered for people with a passive process. But for the brain and the whole organism, it is merely a state with altered activity. Because the brain is asleep while less active, its activity, however, not entirely. Active neurons are thereby organized into different networks interconnected. Scientists can Networks by slow, spontaneous fluctuations occurring signal using functional magnetic resonance imaging evidence.

two networks in the push

scientists at the Max-Planck-Institute for Psychiatry in Munich have been assessed in a study of 25 young healthy subjects, as these changes of perception triggered. Of the many simultaneously active rest networks of the human brain investigated the Max Planck researchers in the so-called "default mode network" and in the spontaneous time course rebellious network.

Both networks are in the waking state closely linked and represent different attentional processes. The "default mode network" supports more inwardly directed attention tasks, the opposite network rather the processing of external stimuli. Without additional stimulation, they behave in opposite directions in time - high measuring signals of a network usually occur during low signals of the other network, and vice versa.

hippocampus and frontal lobes decoupled

The Munich scientists found that both networks change during the sleep onset process itself and also different interacted with each other. You will be re-organized systematically. Thus, the hippocampus, an important region for memory processes, already decoupled in light sleep from the network. The frontal lobes, important for higher control processes, with increasing depth of sleep even completely excluded from the network.

Reduced, but detectable up in the deep sleep, were also areas in the posterior cingulate and precuneus, a part of the parietal cortex. These brain regions are among the most densely linked areas in the brain. They are associated with alertness and consciousness, and can, for example by drugs influenced in their activity be. These network changes in brain regions associated with selbstreflektorischem behavior, action planning and self-perception associated could be the cause of our loss of consciousness during sleep.

residual attention remains

contrast to the neuronal connections take attention network only partially - perhaps to respond to external stimuli can still alarming. The counter-network is decoupled from sleep stage 2 of its strictly opposing activity, but remains available to all stages of sleep - an important indication that probably only a sufficient Synchronization between different networks enables more complex functions. (Cerebral Cortex, 2011, doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhq295)

(Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, 23.02.2011 - NPO)

network changes over a period of 26 minutes. The extension of the "default mode network" (red) and the opposing network (ACN, blue) in four stages: A: wakefulness, B: sleep stage 1, C: sleep stage 2, D: deep sleep. In particular, the medial prefrontal cortex [mPFC]) loses its Connection to the network. The counter-network is weaker in sleep stage 1, stage 2 sleep then no longer detectable.

(Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, 02.23.2011 - NPO,

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Blog Free Zoophilia Movie

Wolf Singers disposal of the ego.

Wolf Singer
the following text from the February 2005 I have searched in vain for a year to house in a magazine. The scientific trade journals, he was 'not professional enough', the cultural studies Pages he was 'too technical'. The triple cross-journal brain & mind which had published "The Manifesto" and for which he had thought he was not ...
'not popular enough'! roar

The sparrows are on the roof: Brain research has brought us a revolution. The freedom of the will is refuted, the ego is in the file. a new man? called its spokesmen His latest book.

spontaneity ...

long time it looked as if the brain research in the process of Because empirical evidence in human knowing the priority of the subjective over objective, Kant and his followers had always claimed. For would receive 'from our brain, it is said, only single sensory stimuli. These combine to a meaningful unit Neurone, had its own Performance, the sensory stimuli preceding it were, '. "Individual neurons represent the degree of their activation by only elementary object features, no complex feature constellations," writes Wolf Singer.

[1] "Every cell interacts with approximately twenty to thirty thousand others. [2] The information about complex objects in the brain in each case analysis of labor by many neurons, each encoded by its activation only a relatively small aspect of the object texture. Those responsible for one feature Neurons [ are] not to be found in such a restricted area of the brain, but spread over vast areas of the brain. Objects [are] not by the activity of single or very few neurons in the cerebral cortex represented, but through extensive and wide ranges distributed neural connections -. So-called "Assemblies" [3]

This means that "the Verschaltungsarchitektur a very important determinant of brain functions [ is ]. Here are the most degrees of freedom, as the functions of individual Nerve cells are very stereotypical. [4] The specificity of brain functions is based solely on the architecture of connections between nerve cells. The program [of the brain ] resides virtually in the architecture of the compounds and their weighting, which is genetically determined in the guidelines. It stores it were acquired during the phylogenetic development experience, the essence of the world. [5] We come with considerable knowledge about the world into this. " [6]

This knowledge about the world is not positive as 'information' encoded, but problematic: "From only partially prefabricated brain so a number of questions to the world found whose answer leads to structural changes. The brain interprets. " [7] It follows, that perception should not be regarded as a passive representation of reality, but seen as the result of an extraordinarily active, constructivist process must be where the brain has the initiative. [8] The brain never is quiet, but constantly generates highly complex activity patterns, even if external stimuli are lacking. [9] [ It] is constantly hypotheses about how the world should be, and compares the signals from the senses with these hypotheses. Finding confirms the hypothesis that perception is based on very short processing times. Not to meet them, the brain must adjust its assumptions, prolonging the reaction time. " [10]

The old dispute between idealism and realism would be decided empirically final:, Wahr'nehmen is not recording, but a "verification vorausgeträumter hypotheses. [11] The a priori synthesis which the neural signals into a meaningful perception, ie ', "is an act of spontaneity of the imagination," the "if not by objects, but only performed by the subjects ago can be, "it said in the Critique of Pure Reason . [12]

... and game.

Subjectivism of the brain researcher goes further. The subject recognizes, 'that is not only active, but lawful, but it makes its findings of fact of a priori value attribution dependent. Whatever, I get 'is' natural processes subject to evaluation, " the "Allow changes only if the whole brain has found that each process mixes activity patterns are important. This assessment is made of centers in the limbic system. The evaluation results will be communicated to spread throughout the cerebral cortex locations via nerve pathways and specific chemical transmitter substances, known as neuromodulators. "About eighty percent of the synaptic connections of nerve cells in the cerebral cortex belong to this class, and only about ten to twenty percent of the inputs come from directly the sensory cells. "The sensory systems and thus the signals from the surrounding world are thus only a very small fraction of compounds taught in the cerebral cortex. The system is primarily concerned with themselves. Eighty to ninety percent of the compounds of the inner monologue dedicated " [13]

" The ability of the brain, to build predictive models of outstanding events, to adapt more quickly, is relatively recent. But when it is a system that can develop on the basis of experience, these predictive models, which requires the storage of content experience, then it must be combinatorially can play. What has been internalized as a representation must be made in various references, in order to examine what could happen to all. " [14]
Homer Winslow,Playing boys

related Playing we are not only in the daily grind deal: "This is also what makes a scientist when he makes theories, and what makes an artist when he produces something. [15] The creative process in science is the same as in art. The cognitive process of science begins with the generation of hypotheses that are initially intuitively, with very often aesthetic consistency criteria are applied, which did not rationalized. One looks after apparently quite similar criteria as the artist: by consistency or coherence. Very much in science is dominated by the aesthetics. A scientific theory is then the circle of initiates considered valid if it is consistent with existing evidence, first and second, if they beautiful . You must be satisfied easily. Similarly, the artist goes, is the only material with which he deals, a different one. The artist maps the world, as he interprets them, so within a description system, it creates new realities, new interpretations of what the scientist does, when he produced a model of experiential "; [16] he plays with the material, and at one point he knows that it is now right. " [17]

" What can the artist and the scientist is not other than the curiosity and the desire for the combinatorial game to give in and, detached from the utilitarian everyday business of life to play this combinatorial game on. This results in models of the world. This game is apparently so deeply rooted in the architecture of the brain, which are played must when the system is to be used at all useful for solving everyday problems. Some play very good play, some less, but all of them. In this respect, any person who is responsible, in a sense, an artist, because it produces models of the world, interprets and generates its own consistency criteria. " [18]

Or Determination?

The perception seems to be a spontaneous performance not only subject, but even as that of a artistic player. Even more striking is the conclusion, with the power of empirical neuroscientist Wolf Singer in the German media sensation, "is in reference neurobiological research, there is no room for objective freedom, because each next action, each next state of the brain would still be determined by the each immediately preceded it. " [19] What it in the reference system of neurobiological research seems no one denies, and what to deny outside this frame of reference to him no one needed was willing, Wolf Singer, however, does not leave within this frame of reference: "urgent are already thinking about the assessment of misconduct on the assessment of debt and our justifications of punishment. " [20]

How did this change? The occasion was "the so-called binding problem ', the Very fact that the researchers did not find any, point 'at which the synthesis takes place. There sits a Judge, who, 'and says it is right now. "The results of the many concurrent sensory functions are passed parallel to the equally numerous executive centers, without all the information on previously performed together in one place. As yet holistic perception and well-coordinated movements come about is unclear. There must be for the results of this meta-sub-processes, but this may be the only non-local entities, in turn, so follow a distributive principle. We suspect that the integration of distributed groups of neurons in these meta-representations by temporal synchronization of neuronal responses are. " [21] It is" an illusion that we have in the brain, a command center where the self resides and evaluates, and decides orders. Instead, we need the ego as a spatially distributed, to think self-organized state. " [22] "The assumption that we are fully responsible for what we do because we do indeed have done differently is untenable from a neurobiological perspective. Neural Processes are deterministic. This knowledge must have an impact on our legal system, the way we educate children and how we interact with others. " [23]

What impact? Is my brain someone other than myself? If I molested a bully who is not himself to blame, but his brain. If I kick him for it in the rump, he felt my foot while on the rump - but it's his brain that it senses. Everything remains as before: the culprit gets what he deserves. We see a no, which could be the practical consequences of wolf Singers discoveries, and why it makes such a fuss.

There remains the question of the scientific subject of knowledge and decision making. But to carrying the "so-called binding problem" at all. For what would change if the brain researchers, the center would "be able to locate? Nothing. Wolf Singer would say that the "cause of action, each corresponding to the previous total state" - not just the brain, but - of the Center ' is. [24] Whether it is empirically considered a systemic process or is an occasional act takes place, the question of spontaneity of the synthesis of no importance - but only if he of may be someone else determined '. The Wolf Singer has not been claimed. It runs but also the fact he has not noticed it bare. What he really wants to say is this: one certain neural circuitry a specific ideal content - and only this - determined '. On any, neural correlates of meaning 'addressed, he said, "that different thoughts are different neural activity patterns based. No thought without substrate. All that is conceptually separable, must correspond to different brain states. " [25]

This is the only rational sense to talk of 'determination' in can have this connection: that the meanings "images" of facts are. In the conventional imaging theory, it should be the things of the outside world, which would be formed by thought '. There is an inner state. But this difference is secondary and only temporarily. Because if it really were possible to brain researchers, the 'envelope' or 'transition' from the (physiological) to illustrate this fact (logical) sense, with the help of their modern imaging 'method, he would, in principle, other types of treatment available - And then would the 'determination' from the outside.

And if so, can reverse the Determinationskette also analoge Übersetzung. When I use the word, consistency 'and say my party tries to understand, would then in so far as his imagination, the meaning, continuity' realized, set in his mind the associated neural substrate. By word meaning so determined, a certain physiological state would, '. Then would be the word meaning a Objektivum (With which substrate?) And brain research have proved empirically way the Platonic doctrine of ideas.

decisive factor would be that the transition is a continuous is: When natural processes "is nowhere jumps! [26] [27] An unexpected twist! Or not? After all, the nuclear physicist Robert Havemann forty years ago has indicated that the mechanical materialism is only a variety of objective idealism. [28]



Fortunately, not the be. For if certain idea content "map" only neural processes, then it should cover a analog act picture. Analogous representations can, in other reflect as digital, no denial mode, and the question let alone mode. I (or my brain, what does it mean?) can also ask and say no. This is the proprium humanum: Man is the animal that can say no. And before he could say no wonder he ob

If Wolf Singer objections now: There are just a computer brain, the analog images into digital symbols translated, ANSWER I: Show me the place - just sit there for the ego!

That's the whole point. A digit is not a substrate, but an arbitrary, interchangeable and very heterogeneous character for a meaning to which it bears no factual relationship and as such does not materialize and Substernisierung "capable. The Logical "is" in no way, but is. Among them, the scientists not imagine '. As natural scientist, he is also not that. It does not fall within his portfolio. In his area rule causality, determination and consistency: it is constituted by them.

- Wolf Singer relies on literally shaped by the Leibniz formula for the canonical Stoic-Platonic doctrine of continuity. "The metaphysical law of continuity is this: All the changes are continuous or flow, that is, opposite states followed only by an intermediate number of different states Sprung successive"

Natura non fecit saltus [29] - as Kant formulated it and to the starting point of the Criticism made. The continuity of natural processes presupposes the thing-like reality of a continuously-infinite space and a uniformly flowing time. Both Kant has referred to the transcendental a priori, but our capacity for knowledge! But the manifesto that has given Wolf Singer, along with ten colleagues in the past year, it is again: "spirit and consciousness fit into the natural process that is and do not exceed it. This means you will consistent mind, consciousness, feelings, acts of will and freedom of action regarded as natural processes, because they are based on biological processes. " [30] So because they are based on physiology, they must be physiology - where is the problem? Hen kai pan , All is One! Where they will have great difficulties to give us this metaphysically understood nature of a scientifically based concept ...

It is true: I look at the evolution of human physiology from the inside, it follows always a state to the other. That the changes are the only states inside determined, ': that a state from follows the other, is so far from being said. Evolution is adaptation - in conditions that fall outside. Now comes the change of the external condition of their hand with an initiative on professional emanating from within, then enters a feedback one - and the is a 'jump', the viewer to a Perpektivwechsel, compels a hiatus.

talking about the act of hominization itself, because that was the moment when the ego is born '.

evolution is selection and adaptation. Throughout its history, every species has found its ecological niche. The niche can observe and describe the nature and researchers. The environment but that it means the animal, 'he must reconstructing open : "The environment is completely invisible, for it consists only of the characteristics of the animals that moved beyond the animal itself. Each environment is the product of a subject, " [31] Jakob von Uexküll writes, who coined the term biological environment. "Every environment is a self-contained unit that is dominated in its entirety by the importance of the subject. Anything and everything that gets into the spell of an environment, change their minds and formed until it has become a viable carrier of meaning - or it is completely neglected " [32] The relationship between species and. their ecological niche is a natural relationship - and a natural relationship, the meanings of the things that happen in it. They are "naturally".

Man has left millions of years ago the natural environment, has placed himself on his hind legs and is broken up into an open world. [33] Their meanings were not inherited biologically, are not a natural relationship, he had to understand her own out-ie, more accurately, into place. Because of its open world is uncertain, he must ask the meaning of the things he meets; to ask. And who asks, can say yes or no. This is a completely new dimension of existence. If that is not, jump ', what else is there? Means a microscopically under the physiologist - or its modern, imaging 'About formations - he can not be seen, however. Because man not know what things mean to him and what he considers them to - so he says "I". [34]


any sense, Wolf Singer also disputes the non-ego and his will. "We know from psycho-pathology, what happens when a construct such as the free will collapse." [35] As we experience it as real, it needs to be something based on: "However, based our idea to be free, to processes in the brain. I think this is a cultural construction. It must, therefore, at some point in our cultural evolution have trained. " [36] that it is the (representative constituent state) notion of the sovereign subject to a construct that no one will deny him. Even more determined we could agree with him, he would have added: just like my ideas of 'determination', 'causality', 'continuity' as well. These are not values that has promoted its research to light, but logical premises that have enabled his research in the first place.

constructs speaks Wolf Singer often and like it when it comes to the other categories. Of his own categories, it can be said of something no one. That's the problem with Wolf Singer: He speaks constantly 'in the object-language of his trade, but all other subjects he used against her when she would be the meta-language. For his subject he accepts the other hand, no kind of meta-language. He is know logically naive, but does not believe it. This is the fate of all empiricists.

Hinblick differences between science, he does not want to know but only those between "descriptive systems". But what differ, and how? They describe something in terms of something else. This, in terms of 'is a intention that constitutes a field of attention. The intent - the 'view' - is the starting point, the field is the 'object'. Several items are by various respects, able to '.

But it will not know Wolf Singer. "Can scientists ever be trusted to even this, actually only in the first-person perspective tangible realities [ he says the ego issue ] comment on? Some think that it is possible. These are usually the scientist responsible for the unity of science [ continuity! ] advocate. The others - mostly cultural researcher -. Claim here would be category mistake, and the project of unified science is not in principle be realized " [37]

Is merely inadequate knowledge of the history of science, or is it refined? Good for two thousand years had the philosophy, with the blessing of the theologians, as a first-born of all the sciences, naturalists provisions made (the doctrine of continuity, for example), so that it could not come before Galileo to a natural science. Until finally the philosophy - denied any legislative interference in the affairs of the empirical sciences - in the form of Kant's critique. Since then, my, most cultural researchers ", it would be in the nature of science, that there be not a single-class science can. The naturalist, unaffiziert of critical concerns, do not hesitate to extend its legislation on God and the world. And leaves it look as if the 'cultural studies' chicken out of him!

This is not only historical knowledge but also know logically a very interesting point. It was not the success of empirical research, which pointed the theoretical speculation in their place and Kant would have led to his withdrawal. Galileo himself has not quite set the experiment as an independent source of knowledge in the place of theory but is introduced only as evidence against doubters. And Newton is always assumed to speculative conditions, as the title of his main work - Principia mathematica philosophiae naturalis - already announced. The impetus to Kant's Copernican revolution was' rather from the self-criticism of empiricism! David Hume has demonstrated that the constitutive principles of empirical science - that every event has a sufficient cause and knowledge would be to attribute the events to their causes - is not itself justified by experience, and certainly not in reason. He thought he was merely a convenient habit of the people has been vindicated. Kant has pointed out, however, that the assumption of causality, the categorical (Necessary for the mind) is required in order to make experiences at all. The premise that every event must have its adequate cause, constitutes the subject field of science, by providing her the spotlight. Which is beyond its perspective is not a possible object of natural science.

Wolf Singer other hand, seems to say: What is not covered in their view that there is not. If we tell him that his concept of causality is not from experience, but arson sake of the scientific basis of experience is, he replied that we are not entitled to such statements - because they are outside the Kausaliätsbetrachtung.

he does not know what a logical circle?


[February 2005]

[1] Andreas Engel and Wolf Singer, "Neuronal basis of shape perception" in: Spektrum der Wissenschaft, Dossier 4 / 1997, p. 67
[2] Singer, "too early to start ... The neurobiology of learning" in: Mantle, G. (ed.), unused potential, Mainz, etc., 1997, p. 45
[3] Engel and others, ibid "Neural basis ..."
[4] Singer, "exercises early to ..." Ibid
[5] idem, "perception is the verification of vorausgeträumten hypotheses" in: A new image of man, Frankfurt aM 2003? , p. 70
[6] idem, "The picture in the head - a paradigm shift" in: Ganten, D. (ed.), genes, neurons, and qubits ; Co., Stuttgart. and Heidelberg, 1999, p. 269
[7] idem, "perception is the verification ..." op cit, p. 71
[8] idem, "From the brain to consciousness", in: The Observer in the head, Ffm, 2002, p. 72
[9] idem, "The picture in my head ..." op cit, p. 275
[10] idem, "From the brain to consciousness" ibid
[11] same author, in: A new man? P. 67
[12] Kant, CPR B 130
[13] Singer, "The image in head ... ", op cit p. 274
[14] ders," perception is ... "op cit p. 84
[16] ibid p. 80
[17] ibid p. 84
[19] Singer, "From the brain to consciousness", ibid, p. 75
[20] ibid p. 75f.
[21] Singer, "We need the neural code," ibid, p. 42
[22] idem, " From the image to perception ", in: Ch Maar, H. Burda (ed.), Iconic Turn, Cologne 2004, p. 75f.
[23] Singer, "From the brain to consciousness", ibid, p. 75
[24] ders, "The end of free will?" in: ibid, p. 32f. - A real I identified the fact that it has a story.
[25] idem, "Who interprets the world?" In: ibid, p. 15 - What do the terms have to be here? What reason is there - under the premise of a systemic process - every single idea in a respective state 'of the entire system, Ding-resistant' to do? The real thinking is done so not in terms, but incomprehensible in a cascade of images. Terms occur only added in the reflection - and that is a discussion of the overall system with itself, a change of sides, a, jump '. And only then comes the idea of an ego, able to '.
[26] ibid, p. 26
[27] In association psychology of the "Eleatic" J. Fr. Herbart act, idea masses 'be tight, cause' onto individual thinking: "reason is perceiving." Of course, Herbart rejected free will and thought have overcome the Kantian epistemology to.
[ 28] "Scientific aspects of philosophical problems" in: Robert Havemann, dialectic without dogma? Reinbek 1964, p. 27ff.
[29] I. Kant, The shape of the sensory and intellectual world and the reasons for [inaugural dissertation], Ed. Weischedel, vol V, p. 49
[30] "The Manifesto" in: Brain & Mind, No. 6 / 2004, p. 33, 36
[31] Jakob von Uexküll, the life lesson, Potsdam 1930, p. 130;
[32] idem, "meaning theory" in id, / G. Kriszat, journeys through ENVIRONMENT-th of animals and humans, Hamburg. 1983, p. 111ff.
[33] Whether this event before 3 million years ago in the Rift Valley or even 4 million years earlier has taken place in Chad is irrelevant.
[34] see this in detail: J. Ebmeier, "The Self and the World," in: Lettre internationally 68, spring 2005
[35] Wolf Singer, "The end of free will?" ibid, p. 31f.
[36] idem, "Who interprets the world?" Ibid, p. 13
[37] Wolf Singer, "The end of free will?" In: A new man? Ffm, 2003, p. 2