Sunday, January 2, 2011

Frostbite On Dogs Stomach

[Monthly] December 2010

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: 1

12/31/2010 spirits paths - Celine Kiernan
- Lucy Christopher 12/23/2010 Heyne Mage Twilight: The crown - Bernd Perplies
In the shadow of dark powers
- Karen Marie Moning Cry Wolf - Patricia Briggs
08:12 .2010
shadow hours
- Kelley Armstrong
Fillory (HB)
- Lev Grossman 7/12/2010 The dragon throne leg - Tad Williams
12/05/2010 Julius Caesar - William Shakespeare
The Curse of the Vampire / In the Realm of the Vampire
- Karen Marie Moning
01/12/2010 Dream Story - Arthur Schnitzler
new entries: 10 books this review copies: Ralf Isau, The Skeleton Key Karen Marie Moning, In the shadow of dark powers Karen Marie Moning, prisoners of darkness
Rob Thurman, moon spirits
Sarah Dessen, Keeping the Moon
Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You Kerstin Gier, emerald green Krystyna Kuhn, The Valley 3.1 have given them won /: Lucy Christopher, Stolen Simone Elkeles, Leaving Paradise

highlight in December

This month could I catch up reading something - reassuring for me and for my sub. There were some very good books in December and the decision to the book of the month I was not easy. But "Stolen" definitely deserves it. For Christmas I'm getting paid a mere two books ("Stolen" was one of them) - one might even longer on my wish list. Thank you Anna!
is therefore 2010 is now officially over and I can turn my attention to next week back a little to the study, the holiday not to be missed entirely unused.
Review 2010
I'd love to have an accurate overview of all give this year read books - but I can not live. For detailed lists I run it only been blog-birth. And that was in February. Before that I had read quite a bit - and so I can save on the annual review for the 2011th
What brings me out to thank all my readers for their presence and their comments. Without you, my blog would be ultimately pointless. I am glad that my reviews come across your interest and I supply with new book recommendations. And even with my Mitbücherbloggern I am grateful for the many great recommendations that have already moved on my list or do I already read. Many treasures were without you safe undetected remained.
Also a big thank you to the many publishers who support us so hard bibliophiles and provide you with reading copies.
Together let's go to a new decade - and hopefully just as beautiful, exciting and eventful year with many new phenomena and new book-discoveries. has

read it highlights this year where a whole bunch. I could list now, of course - but in fact it is enough if interested take a look at my logbook
- Books of the Month are marked with call sign (!). Or just for the labels (left, further down) "Book of the Month
. Select Perhaps there still waiting for one or the other new discovery

I wish you all a happy new year


YA-Books 2010

ended with following books

silver light - Laura Whitcomb

shadow hours
- Kelley Armstrong
Kiss of Death
- Rachel Caine
The Valley: The game
- Krystyna Kuhn
Angel of the Night
- Becca Fitzpatrick
The Body
Finder - Kimberly Derting
- Rachel Ward
My Soul to Keep - Rachel Vincent
Hex Hall: Rough Magic
- Rachel Hawkins
If I stay
- Gayle Forman
three wishes do you have free - Jackson Pearce After the summer - Maggie Stiefvater The Reckoning
- Kelley Armstrong

  1. - Lev Grossman
  2. I make me more !
  3. Challenge
  4. not finished. Well, actually already - but I have no more reviews of classic non-fiction, drama and satire made.
  5. biographies
  6. : Melanie Benjamin, Alice and I
  7. Fantasy / Science Fiction : Alison Goodman, Eona dragon daughter
  8. Horror :
  9. Carlos Zafon, The Dark Guardian
  10. classic
  11. : /
  12. Mystery / Thriller :
  13. Elisabeth Herrmann, lilies blood
  14. property / Books
  15. : /
  16. drama / poetry : /
  17. Historical novels : Barbara Wood, This Golden Land
  18. & Humor Satire : /
  19. romances : Nicholas Sparks, With you by my side
  20. children and young people :
  21. Antje Babendererde, The hidden side of the moon

Fiction / : Thomas Mann, Death Venice


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