Tuesday, December 28, 2010

How To Get My Bf Horney On Camera

[review] Bernd Perplies, Mage Twilight - For the crown

paperback with flaps, Trade Paperback
Pages: 448
ISBN: 978-3-8025-8264-6

€ 12.95 [U.S.] Atlantis was an ancient seal broken open and the true source of magic. The whole world threatens to sink into chaos ...

the book:

Bernd Perplies into a world full of Victorian charm and explosive magic. The story is innovative and exciting, the characters believable - what more could you want?
journalist Jonathan is unexpectedly drawn into things that he has not even been suspected something when he hands over the dying first Lord Mage Dunholme a ring. From this moment on, the young man's life changed dramatically. Because it exists under the Guild Hall a secret society of magicians - and their world has changed. Their ranks are by acts of traitors and opportunists. The magic has changed and it is the one man to blame, the Lord has commanded Mage Dunholme death.

The narrative perspective changes again, which surprisingly never makes for confusion or even inconvenient, as in many other novels. Instead, the change of perspective is used as a useful stylistic device to build tension and hold. Here characters are well thought out and described lovingly, completely unnecessary is omitted. Lengths are therefore not guaranteed, and fluent reading.

The most interesting element of the whole is probably the kind of magic that describes Perplies here. Because in his version, the world of threads from which everything is connected and everything. This scheme can be called true view of magicians are identified and manipulated. It spares no effort Perplies this fantastic yarn world and its beauty to describe. This poses a clear head and a movie I could really see the shimmering gold threads in front of me.

Even otherwise, the author writes vividly and always manages to build up the mood and evoke just how wonderful mature images in the mind of the reader. And that's what makes Finally a talented narrator.

additional information
part 2: Nick of Time
February appears 2011
Part 3: appears in the abyss
September 2011
Many thanks to


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