Monday, March 7, 2011

What Happens When Plasma Ball Breaks

Artificial intelligence?

from FAZ.NET, 15th June 2010

A spirit of software

W ground computers can think again? And what Sigmund Freud would have to do with cyberspace? The American Internet pioneer David Gelernter predicts the next stage of development of artificial intelligence.
Der Internet-Pionier als Maler: „Answer Us” von David Gelernter
"Answer Us" by David Gelernter

What does it mean to think? Can you think of machines or just people? These questions drive the computer science since the fifties, and they are provided with each Urgent days, at which the firmament of the Internet closes over our heads and leaves us in the portentous half-darkness of cyberspace. The network as a whole is an amazingly complex collection of computers, the same brain cells and how they are connected tightly together. Also, there is growing David Gelernter, bevor er 1993 von einer Briefbombe verletzt wurde millions of places simultaneously, as if it were a living organism - or more than alive? So it is natural to ask whether the Internet will one day begin to think for themselves.

If it is not already doing.

These questions affect not only the Internet but also the individual computer. Computers are becoming more powerful. Already, in the entire software landscape programs play an important role not only be controlled by means of calculations, but also with the aid of plausible assumptions.

Such programs are examples of an applied artificial intelligence, whose big dream is to build a spirit of software, a thinking computer - a machine with human-like or even superhuman intelligence.

In a way, this frightening possibilities. At least, they force us to think. On the other hand, human intelligence is the most valuable thing we know in the universe, and we never have enough of it. A computer-generated increase in global intelligence would offer to say the least welcome.

A kind Cyberpest

It would not be unreasonable to expect that computers will help us to eliminate the mess they have caused. Every day they unload huge amounts of information in the cyber sphere. Can you help us to evaluate this mass of information in an intelligent way?

Or are they just unlocked oil wells, escape constantly from which flows a kind Cyberpest - currents, which are scattered today, perhaps only to us but could paralyze more if they increase our choices and information channels of control? If each of us sees only once surrounded by a growing amount of digital paparazzi, all current issues to shout and wave data without security personnel anywhere in sight?
It is important to take an unpleasant truth note: The currently prevailing ideas of human and artificial thinking will lead to nothing.

Three key false assumptions

We are caught in a system of assumptions, which dissolve into thin air as soon as we think about them, and by "we" not only lay are meant, but many philosophers and scientists. Three key false assumptions are the following:
First, many people believe that thinking and reasoning are essentially the same. But if I interrupt for a moment, his work, looking out the window and let your thoughts run free, they still think. Our minds work even then. This kind of free association is an important part of human thought. No computer will ever think like a man, if he can not free associate.

Second, many people believe that the reality is a Thing and our thoughts to another. The reality is out there, and the mental map that is created by our thoughts, however, is in our heads, in our mind - whether his health condition. But we hallucinate every day when we sleep and dream. And when we hallucinate, then defines our mind, what is our reality, the "real" reality, the external reality disappears. No computer will ever think like a man, if he can not hallucinate.
And thirdly, many people believe that the thinker and the thought are two different things. For many people "think" means the bottom line is something like looking at a current of thought, as if it were a PowerPoint presentation: The Thinker looks at the current of his thoughts. This idea plays in the artificial intelligence research has an important role: if the thinker and his thoughts flow are two different things, then we can replace the human thinker thinkers through a computer, without breaking off the event. Man steals on tiptoe out of the theater. The computer slides on the empty chair. The Power Point presentation continues.

But if someone dreams, hallucinating - if he is in a mental generated fantasy landscape - then the thinker and his thoughts are not separated flow. They may overlap. The Thinker occupied his thoughts. No computer will ever be able to think like a human, if not he live in his thoughts, can be immersed in its spirit.


But what does this mean for the Internet? Will the Internet ever think? If a single computer ever think?

We must first realize that we remain in our thinking about human thought generally midway. Because in reality the human mind oscillates in a range that is at one end by the usual logic and defines the other by the dream-logic. The dream logic is no less meaningful when the days of logic, but they follow different rules. Most philosophers and cognitive scientists, however, see only the days and ignore the logic of dream logic - which is not much different than one would imagine the earth with a north pole, but without a south pole.

variable vigilance

Let us consider how a proper presentation would look like the everyday understanding of thinking. Philosophers like to do such ideas as "folk psychology" from, and of course our goal is ultimately a scientific explanation. The first goal of science is, however, to explain the common sense - or explain away.

It begins with concentration, constant focus, attention and vigilance. Vigilance is not a constant size. We are vigilant, if we are rested and alert. If we get tired, to be our focus or alertness. From this simple observation arises a comprehensive intuitive, even immediately clear understanding of thought - which is different however from all the prevailing notions.

We think differently, depending on whether or not we are vigilant vigilant, so are sleepy. To solve analytical or mathematical problems to think hard or think logically, we must be vigilant.

The basic fact of human thought

On the other hand, low vigilance also plays an important role: In this state, our thoughts tend to their own efforts, without our conscious direction hike. If we are almost asleep, thoughts run through our minds that we do not consciously control. As the poet Shelley says: "The human spirit will go through full force, the waves / Of the universe of things in a mighty flow ..."

In this state of free association is similar to the previous, each new idea, or it overlaps or connects to it. While our vigilance continuously decreases and we are getting tired, we lose contact with external reality. "In your light sleeper eyelids Design / expectorant tasted the sweetness Vorschlaf -." After all sleep and we dream.

follows that the degree of our concentration or alertness is essential to human thought. We can imagine the concentration as a value equal to the physiological heart rate or body temperature. The concentration of each person varies throughout the day between its peak and its low point. It is at its peak when we awake are. It decreases when we are tired, and reached its low point, when we sleep. (In fact, she commutes several times a day up and down.) This continuum of thought styles is the "cognitive spectrum", the fundamental fact of human thought. suffer

from the outside or inside

But why do we have a loss of reality when we sleep and dream? How is that done? Our mind stores memories, some of whom remembered events or experiences.

Each remembered experience is potentially an alternative reality. to remember such experiences in the traditional sense - and thus remind them of "the beach last summer" - is actually to look at the memory from outside. But there is another kind of memory: Sometimes the memory is running at "the beach last summer," beyond the fact of entering into a new experience to explore the beach last summer again: to see the sea, hear the waves to feel the sunshine and the sand and the potential reality that is encapsulated in mind, let be real.

(An analogy would be: We store potential energy in an object by lifting it against gravity. We save a potential reality in our minds as we bring forth a memory.)

As the dream logic memories changed

Just as the thinking at the top and bottom of the cognitive spectrum differs, differs even remembering. At the point of highest concentration means remembering the conventional Remember: the beach again, "retrieve". At the point of lowest concentration means remembering the repeated experience of reliving the Beach. To some extent we can relive memories at will: We can imagine the sight and scent of a red rose. But if we are distracted, we have no choice: If we remember now, something we have to relive it.

We are experiencing memories again (or get into it again) when we dream. The memories, in which we happen again, are sometimes distorted or incomplete, you may also have been mixed with other memories: to the process, relived in the memories in dreams, is subject to a dream logic. The dream logic connects memories superimposed sometimes one with another, and they are the powerful glue of a common emotional content served. Does the concentration to be sticky memories.

beyond ordinary conscious control

If we are highly concentrated, we control our thoughts. We observe and think logically, we take on a problem and solving it rationally. The extent to which decreases the concentration, we start to lose control of our thinking. Our thoughts wander from one leads to another. Looking out the window, we loosen the Reins of our mind and let our minds run free - but we can still take back control and go back to work when we want.

Does the concentration even further, then our thoughts entirely cut off power of our conscious control. And when we sleep, our dreams seem to be set without conscious guidance. We are experiencing dreams almost in the same way as we experience the external reality. losing

Control of our stream of thought is tantamount to losing touch with reality. On Halfway through this spectrum, we have as we look out the window and let our minds wander, not the reality lost, we still have an awareness of our environment. But we are on daydreaming, distracted, less aware of the reality. If our concentration is reduced further and we are close to bed, walk the loss of thought control and the reality of loss is continuing. (. With the word "expectorant" Rilke describes our sense of reality when we are almost asleep) As soon as we sleep and dream, our thoughts are usually beyond conscious control - the dreams bring excelled themselves, the reality is gone.


"One should not say, I think," Rimbaud wrote, "but I shall remember." Like most poets he regularly sought those spiritual realm between waking and sleep on, which is located just beyond conscious control, and just this side of sleep and dreams. "What is time? - When is present, "Rilke asks in a letter to Lou Andreas-Salomé, after he has completed Duino Elegies." He was a champion of the weak focusing thought, he carefully watched his mind when this is in the thick long rope of the cognitive spectrum in those regions mental condescended, in which the external reality fades and stays on the imaginary reality begins to flow freely and in which the thoughts forming strange new analogies. Rilke himself used in a letter to Auguste Rodin, the mental image of a descent: "Deeper than ever I have descended into my work."

poets and madmen care of yourself in this spiritual realm to loiter. Coleridge was as fascinated by the state, "half awake and half asleep" to be, his poem "Kubla Khan", which he calls "psychological curiosity" called, he wrote opiumbenebelt. Keats: "Your pain song soars. . . ! Who will tell me whether I sleep or wake up "and the slightly crazy Büchner Lenz characterized as follows:" If I could only distinguish whether I am dreaming or awake ... "

a habit the technology we have forgotten

Some prophets and poets to experience this awareness as a zone of twilight visions. A friend of William Blake wrote: "He told me that all children who saw visions', and then added that all people could see them, they were not fully worldliness and unbelief, which make the mind's eye blind "in other words. see visions, Blake was normal for all people could. And all the people move so really every day down the cognitive spectrum.
But some of them are receptive to this experience than others. TS Eliot writes of the medieval sensibility Dante: "Dante's visual imagination is ... It is visually in the sense that he lived in an age in which people saw visions yet. It was a psychological habit, the technique we have forgotten. "On his way to sleep by running each of us every day that zone of the visions, but the journey leaves no impression on most, and we feel no desire to stay there longer.

concentration and creativity

The daily oscillation of the human mind is like the tides. If we follow this analogy: When the tide (or our ability to concentrate) is falling, be exposed large stretches sandy ocean floor - and you can see the ground of ideas that are normally hidden. If you lose control of his thinking, one may bizarre or unpleasant thoughts no longer consciously avoided - even though they are what Freud pointed out, can still avoid unconsciously.

The creativity has always fascinated man. Cognitive psychologists agree that something creative is done when a new analogy is invented. If our mind connects two things, between which there is usually no connection - the first flight of the young bird, the jump in a teacup to use Rilke's example - then we have a new analogy, and the basis for the world in a new light to . see (Rilke draws a conclusion from his new kind of analogy: "This rips the track / the bat mouse across the porcelain of the evening. "Of all the great lyric poets Keats may have had only one for the imagery even more fertile mind.)

Most new analogies lead to nothing, but sometimes they reveal something important. Creativity does not adapt, if we are highly concentrated, only when our thoughts began to wander, it is possible. We find creative solutions to a problem if we keep it vaguely in mind, and not when it forces itself into the foreground and our attention fully uses it. We can not fall asleep force, just as we can force us to a creative Inspiration to have (as we can force us to solve a math problem). Sleep and creativity is only when our thoughts are beyond our control.

How it feels

What leads us to one last observation. As we invent new analogies? This is one of the great unsolved problems in cognitive science. Often are remembered and re-experienced feelings of the key to new, unexpected analogies. Feelings summarize experiences. If the subtle feeling you on the first warm spring day, serene feel (a feeling for which there is no name), the feeling is like the one sat next to his chosen ones for the first time at the movies, then this particular emotion could link the two events together, and the first warm spring day in the next year could help cause that one remembers the girl and the film.
No computer will ever be creative when he is not able to simulate all the nuances of the human emotional life.

When we think of emotions, we tend to see them in a few primary colors: happy, sad, angry. . . Our real Emotional states, however, are almost always much more subtle and complex. How does it feel when you hit a tennis ball hard and well, or a nail with two perfect hammer has driven into a board? If you as an adult for the first time in the school comes, in which one is gone as a child? When you see the church steeples of Chartres appear on the horizon, or remind a young friend of his own son to a woman you once knew? Or the day suddenly darkened and lightning storms, or our best friend is about to commit a huge mistake that we can say he not?

coded experience

feelings are the music, the soundtrack or the soundtrack, which accompanies us through life. Emotions are as individual as musical phrases. And so, as we can get a scrap of a bygone musical situation in mind, so we can again experienced feeling reminiscent of another place and another time.

But here the analogy ends. A song or a phrase may be pure coincidence associated with a particular experience. The feeling, however, is caused by the experience and take decisions in a complex sensation of an entire scene together. A feeling encodes a Experience.


We are literary works are not adequately understood unless we know that various works were written in different "levels of concentration" or "focus levels", as one tapes in accommodates different speeds. We must read on the proper concentration level or with the correct "line speed". Kafka is a case in point. He targets, according to a diary entry that the presentation of his "dreamy inner life".

This was meant literally, we can understand his works as examples of the dream as a literary form or a literary genre. Kafka's transcription of the dream-thought is so precise that we can work as a guide to the structure and logic of use of the dream. In his study of Kafka characterized Louis Begley, whose great invention as follows: "incidents, which, as every reader knows very unlikely. . . or even completely impossible. . . He is in his stories left as a matter of course, dar. "But it is better to say that his great invention in a modern version of the dream as a literary form was.

Genres weak focusing in particular play in the ancient literature a large role. Jacob's night-long struggle in 1st Genesis, 32 can be best understood as an ancient example of the dream genre (such as the medieval philosopher Maimonides knew). 2. Exodus 4, 24-26 - perhaps the most difficult passage in the Bible at all - can be understood only as an example of the revived by Kafka nightmare genre.

epic, tragedy, and romantic love story, literary forms with their own unique structures. Otherwise it is with prophecy, dream and nightmare.


with what has been said, we have remained on the straight and simple path of common sense. Now we can in broad and simple terms - describing the operation of the human mind - the concepts of "folk psychology".

we are about two entities before, consciousness and memory. Each of the two meet certain physical structures of the human body. We are interested of course for the piano sonata, not for the piano. The sonata structure is something real, even if not physically - in contemporary Terminology we can call the "virtual structure". The piano has its own structure, but even if we understand everything there is to be understood at a piano, teaches us nothing about the Sonata. Our topic is the sonata of thinking, not the grand piano of the brain. We can the tides of human thought by using the two variables consciousness and memory bear in mind. Imagine a small circle inside a larger circle before: At the maximum concentration is the memory (the small circle) is completely contained in the consciousness (the big circle), the awareness is in turn from the outer Surrounding reality. We have the conscious control of our thinking and remembering.

That should software be

At minimum concentration is the awareness of the small circle that is enclosed entirely from memory. The memory is between consciousness and external reality, consciousness is isolated as a castle by its moat. We are only aware of our inner, imaginary reality.

Does the concentration change after the two parties gradually their places.

And this is the daily tides of the human spirit.

Abstract, may seem like these pictures, they can make rough blueprints for software.


What the cognitive spectrum has to do with the artificial intelligence of the internet or thinking in general?

As the philosopher Paul can point emphasized that only human intelligence or human-like intelligence meant. (We assume that the Spirit of an animal in the measure is similar to humans in which the animal itself appears human-like.) Occasionally, one hears the claim that the Internet will bring an entirely new form of intelligence. But that notion is meaningless or, in other words, stupid. That would be as if you claimed to have discovered a new chocolate flavor. The flavor, which we call chocolate, but is exactly as what we call him, there is no other definition. When the "new flavor" tastes like chocolate, it is not new, he does not, then there is no chocolate taste. If the new form of intelligence is similar to humans, it is not new. If they are not human-like is, there is no intelligence.

could bring the Internet is a human-like intelligence? No. First, do not agree, the raw materials. Human beings and animals have consciousness, and how can conclude from an argument of the philosopher John Searle, a scientist has to assume that consciousness emerges from a specific chemical and physical structure - such as photosynthesis resulting from the plant chemistry. You can not program his laptop or his cell phone to convert carbon dioxide into sugar; for photosynthesis are computers made from the wrong material - and also for awareness.

Without motor

You can instruct a computer and a person to present a rose and to describe them. Maybe you get two similar descriptions and can not decide which of the computer and what comes from the people. But there is one important difference: if the man and recorded in his mind a rose, and he can not imagine their color and smell and how it feels.

For the computer it is not an imaginary rose and no inner spiritual world, only a void. (Faculty speaking, this is the problem of "missing qualia")

also went to the human consciousness and thinking with the gene mutation appears from a mechanism -. under the pressure of the uncompromising question of survival or death - countless subtle variations allowed to test. Neither of these initial conditions applies to the Internet as we know it. The expectation that intelligence arises out of the Internet, as the expectation of bringing a car to drive, by stepping on the accelerator, even if it has no engine.

you could at least act as if were thinking they

As far as we know, there is no way to consciousness in a computer or any collection of computers produce. However - and this is the interesting (or dangerous) aspect of the matter - gives us the cognitive spectrum, once we understand how it works in great detail, a guide for constructing simulated or artificial thought at hand. We can develop software models of consciousness and memory and then put them in rhythmic motion.

The result was a computer that seems to think. This would be a zombie have a word that philosophers of science fiction literature and films borrowed from Hollywood: a computer that had no inner spiritual world and would be virtually unconscious. In practice however, this would make no difference. The computer would ponder, talk and solve problems like a man. And we simulated artificial or thinking, "artificial intelligence" had been created.

When the computer would be happy

Before that, however, would be to overcome enormous technical problems. Just one example: There can be no cognitive spectrum exist without emotions. Feelings in the degree to which the concentration decreases and enters the re-experiencing the place of the retrieval of an increasingly important bridge between different thoughts. Computers have always presented as good models of the human brain, in the broadest sense, both the digital computer and the brain information processors. However, feelings are caused by brain and body work together. If you're happy, you have a certain body sensation, the mind registers it, and the resonance between body and mind brings forth a feeling. "I say again that the body makes the mind" (John Donne).

The natural parallel between the computer and the brain does not apply to the relationship between computers and body. But the artificial thinking will require a software model of the body to get a good model of emotion, which is essential for artificial thinking. In other words, artificial thinking requires artificial feelings and emotions are simulated to be a big problem. (The solution will likely take the form of software that it is "trained" to mimic the emotional reactions of a particular human subject.)

One day all these problems are solved, the artificial thinking will be realized. Even then, however, an artificially intelligent computer will learn nothing and have no awareness of anything. He will say, "That makes me happy," but not happy. After all, he will act as if he were. He will act like an intelligent human being.

And then what?

from English by Michael Adrian

The author, born in 1955, is a computer scientist, historian, painter and historian of culture, He teaches at Yale.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Davids Bridal 99.00 Gown Sale

The Great Prince Gold Raffle - Drawing the winner

This is the drawing of the winners of the competition. The draw of the bonus prize (living room reading with Claudia Toman) and the resolution of the puzzle to Adrian Alt is on Fat Tuesday at 20:00 in Live Stream.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Are You More Fertile After A Miscarriage 2010

The plastic brain: understanding with the central visual language.

second from Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 3. 2011

Reprogrammed center of vision in blind
An additional area of the brain for language processing

The visual center in the brain of blind people is the Listen or key activated. Now a study confirms that even at higher cognitive as the speech processing is recruited.

By Lena Stallmach

In the brain of blind people remains the central visual system is not wasted. Several areas in the visual cortex in the occipital lobes at the hearing of sounds, read the Braille and enabled the general keys. This raised the question of whether these nerve cells in Braille reading respond to the Tastsensation or the processing of the texts. Marina Bedny from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge and her colleagues now show that the visual cortex in the understanding of spoken Language very similar activation pattern as the classical language areas. ¹

importance decisive

with functional magnetic resonance imaging, the researchers measured the blood flow to the brain in sighted and blind from birth subjects. From the measured values, the oxygen consumption and thus derived the activity of nerve cells. The participants listened to the measurement of five different types, but equally long-lasting speech samples from a tape: meaningful sentences, word lists, classically constructed Sets of pseudo-words (nonsense sentences), pseudo-word lists or sentences spoken backwards. A few seconds later a word, pseudo-or backward-word was played, and participants should decide whether this had occurred in the speech sample.

It was found in the classical language areas in the anterior and lateral cortex in blind and sighted people the same pattern: With reasonable rates, the circulation was improved as compared to baseline values much less increase it was with word lists and nonsense sentences. In pseudo-word lists and backward movements she was little changed or lower than at rest.

changes in the visual cortex of sighted subjects, the blood flow compared to baseline values only slightly. In contrast to the blind, they showed a very similar pattern to that of the language areas. She was with reasonable rates much higher than for all other samples, which were sometimes difficult to remember. The visual cortex thus not to speak to the difficulty of a task, but the meaning of the sentence says Bedny, and how the activation with nonsense sentences show on the grammatical structure. Therefore seems the visual cortex in blind people to play a similar role as the language areas in the sighted.

This is an amazing result, says Bedny, as this would mean that the visual cortex processing not only simple sensory stimuli such as pictures, sounds or Tastsensationen, but is also involved with higher intellectual achievements. Fundamental knowledge of this is new, however. In the last ten years, several studies have shown that the visual cortex is activated during language processing in the blind. The neuropsychologist Brigitte Röder, Frank Rösler, who work at the University of Potsdam, Hamburg or used, even a very similar study design and came to the same conclusion. They also asked whether the blind because the recruitment of the additional network benefits in language processing have, and showed that they were quicker at understanding a task few milliseconds as sighted subjects. Rösler criticized the new study appears in a prestigious journal such as "PNAS", although nothing really new shows.

Drastic plasticity

Amedi Amir of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem is not as critical. Although he sees the lack of review of the performance of the subjects had a deficiency in Bednys work. But they do show, however, very convincing as similar to the classical language areas and some parts were working in the visual cortex in blind people.

The observed activity, however, reveals nothing about the function of the visual cortex in language processing. Perhaps it is a by-product and is suppressed in seeing through the visual stimuli. But Amedi showed several years ago that poor blind man in a simple language comprehension test sections, provided that their visual cortex was temporarily paralyzed by magnetic stimulation. The same procedure affected the performance of sighted subjects did not.

Since the visual cortex with the characteristic arrangement of its nerve cells could take on apparently similar functions as the very different design language areas, this means that the condition of the brain regions do not play so great a part, says Bedny. Amedi and thinks that maybe could take every possible function of each brain area . But this must be well proven yet.

¹ PNAS, online publication of 28 February 2011.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What Cervix Should Be Like When Due On Period

[Monthly] January & February 2011

: Is
6 books: 1

dog 21/01/2011 - 22/01/2011
burns Martin Rütter
Arcadia - - German German - dog Kai Meyer
07/01/2011 The sons of the island - Jean Johnson
01/04/2011 Sephira: The Brotherhood of the Shadow - Corina Bomann
01/03/2011 Dark Side Park Season 1-3 ( HB ) - Ivar Leon Menger
01/02/2011 The Tribute by Panem 2 - Suzanne Collins

new entries: 15 books

this review copies:
Steven Omen, Amo Vitam
Betty Belitz, broken glass moon
Janice Nowak, The Song of the Banshee
Susan Kearney, Mistress of Time Traveler
Spencer Quinn, Bernie & Chet

bought thereof:
Joanne K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Jessica Verday, The Hollow
Sarah McLean, Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a rake
Ally Condie, matched
Suzanne Collins Tribute by Panem - Blazing anger
Mary Hooper, the sister of the sugar-maker & ash flowers
Dan Wells, I will not kill you get

given them:
Marianne Curley, The Named
Karen Miller The Innocent Mage
Karen Miller The Awakened Mage

highlight in January:

puppies hold on the reading. But well, that's nothing new - is therefore still considered conclusion.
little explanation as to the dog: Jackie is not my First Dog, more precisely, it is the second. I got my first dog of eight years - a black miniature schnauzer lady named Joanna. Jo was kind and intelligenzt and amazing in every way, but also very stubborn and not educated. First, my parents had with three young children will not have time for the education, the other three had probably made every attempt naught anyway:)
Jo died about two years ago from a tumor. I had just finished school, so she gave me the gift that is also made to withstand my graduation time - because the diagnosis was made at exactly the time when I was in the worst graduation stress. As it was said that she would probably still a week or two. But not so with our dog - she has still managed a couple of months.
then did it a half year of mourning and then the next great love. I think that happens just like that.
And this dog is trained, the whole course takes more time. But first results are already posted. Jackie can sit, down, stand, give, Apport. Not bad for a four-month-old dog, eh? : D So much for the dog

In January, I have especially moved two sequels, namely Tribute by Panem - Dangerous Love and Arcadia burns. Unlike many other central sections (it is both a trilogy), the second part is almost better than the first - in Arcadia even burn a lot better! Thus takes to please a single heart. There
reviews it for two reasons these books do not:
first A dog takes a lot of time
second I review sequels generally more reluctant. For those who have not read the first part, which is mostly pure Spoilerei. Read


: 3 books

24/02/2011 The Monstrumologe - Rick Yancey
02/20/2011 The Named - Marianne Curley
02.02.2011 Frankfurt poetics lectures - Urs Widmer

new entries: 15 books

this review copies:
Tracy Buchanan, star converter

bought thereof:
Valentina Berger, The Eye Schneider
Sara Douglass, The glass witch
Ingeborg Bayer, city of dark masks
Claire Knightley, Dark Moon
Kelly Creagh, Nevermore
Marianne Curley, The Dark
Sebastian Fitzek, The Collectors Eye
Beth Revis, Across the Universe
Lisa McMann, Gone

given them get:
Nalini Singh, Angels' Blood
Nalini Singh, Archangel's Kiss
Nalini Singh, Archangel's Consort
Rachel Vincent, My Soul to Steal
Laurie Faria Stolarz, Deadly Little Secret

not highlight the small number of books - also because there was not a real highlight.

See January;)

Monday, February 28, 2011

Metods For Masterbation For Women

New Items of the Week

Actually, there should be no new entries this week (not because I would want to, but because nothing has just happened).
But then yesterday there is a nice DVD evening with nice friends and one of them mine? Yes, a belated birthday gift. And that could even include just one ... Thank you, Anna!

You want my soul and my boyfriend?
Trying to work things out with Nash - maybe her boyfriend - is hard enough for Kaylee Cavanaugh. She can not just pretend nothing happened. But "complicated" does not even begin to describe their relationship when his ex-girlfriend transfers to their school, determined to take Nash back.
See, Sabine isn't just an ordinary girl. She's a mara, the living personification of a nightmare. She can read people's fears - and craft them into nightmares while her victims sleep. Feeding from human fear is how she survives.
And Sabine isn't above scaring Kaylee and the entire school to death to get whatever - and whoever - she wants.
I don't think so.

Some secrets shouldn't be kept ...
Until three months ago, sixteen-year-old Camelia's life had been fairly ordinary. Then a mysterious boy named Ben started junior year at her school and changed everything.
Rumored to be somehow responsible for his ex-girlfriend's death, Ben is immediately ostracized by everyone on the campus. Except for Camelia. Despite the rumors, she's inexplicably drawn to him ... and to his touch. But soon, Camelia is receiving eerie phone calls and strange packages with threatening notes. Ben insists she's in danger, and that he wants to help - but can he be trusted? She knows he's hiding something ... but he's not the only one with a secret.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Anime Tounge Piercing

critique of pure physics (1)

from FAZ.NET 26 2. 2011

The spirit of revolution

attacks in North Africa, the spirit of revolution around. In my office, everything is peaceful and geared to system maintenance. Only two floors above me are the fronts but more far less clear. If you talk with Professor Pavel Kroupa, the spirit of revolution is suddenly within reach in our Argelander Institute for Astronomy. Pavel Kroupa often speaks about the failure of the established system, of the need of alternatives and of the mechanisms by which system opponents will be unable to do their work.

When Pavel Kroupa speaks in such a rage, he discusses, however, not politics. His subject is the so-called "dark matter crisis", ie the crisis of the established, standard cosmological model, the so-called Lambda Cold Dark Matter Cosmological Concordance Model "(LCDM CCM). This model makes statements about the development and composition of the universe, and seems very well with most cosmological observations to match. It contains several free parameters could be determined very precisely in the last decades, so that understand the history of our universe by and large seems to be quite good. The flaw is known to be a need for two previously completely misunderstood sizes: the dark energy and dark matter, which together account for about 96% of the energy-matter content of the universe.

dark matter is particularly necessary in order to explain the rotation curves of galaxies and provide additional mass in galaxy clusters. You need dark matter, so that the observable matter in galaxies is moving in such a way as it should according to Newton. However, there are problems on the scale of galaxies with the CCM model. In particular, the properties of satellite galaxies small galaxies, large galaxies like the Milky Way can assist, by the standard model can not be explained. This is where Pavel Kroupa. It notes the problems of the standard model as an opportunity to show support for a modified gravity alternative cosmological models, such as MOND (Modified Newtonian dynamics) or MOG (modified gravity). were discussed in his debate with Prof. Simon White last November here in Bonn, in which arguments for and against a departure from the standard model, compared Pavel Kroupa of cosmology, the current situation with that of the Copernican turn. On his website he also leads the development of Analogies Quantum mechanics and the transition to relativity theory. These are all classic examples of scientific upheavals of scientific revolutions. But how does one arrive later, when scientists speak of revolutions in the context of physics?

'Garching simulation', Jenkins et al. 1998, Journal Astophysical

The notion of scientific revolution was coined by Thomas Kuhn and his 1962 book, "The Structure of Scientific Revolution." One of the main theses of the book is that the Development of science proceeds not so that cumulative science simply by more and more knowledge is accumulated. Instead, Kuhn sees radical breakthroughs in the history of science, which prevent that one can say that we know more and more. You just know "different." It is change scientific methods, the scientific subject matter, scientific concepts and scientific standards. This all leads referred Kuhn to the fact that there is no communication between pre-and post-revolutionary science. It is easy to point to specific questions disagree, and there is no authority that would be able to decide who is right added. There is for instance both in the context of the standard model and in the context of modified gravity theories, observations that can not be explained. What you see as the key to? Is it "worse" if the properties of satellite galaxies can not be explained, as if the theory is possibly more complicated and is weak on large scales?

ends Ultimately you in questions of personal weight, and that makes the mood in the environment of scientific revolutions, just as strong emotionally charged. Where there are no clear arguments more convincing you can not, but only . Persuade In addition, the potential of new theories can only fully develop when the scientific community provides sufficient resources for a detailed elaboration of the new approach. The reason to do so, but can only be a belief in the potential of the new theory. Whether this belief is really justified, can only prove the fact. To the "risk" of a new theory really address, and the incumbent to turn, the dissatisfaction in size with the existing conditions enough. Oneself from the mainstream to avert always carries a risk, it brings uncertainty and danger, for ever from the scientific community to be excluded.

The need for a general dissatisfaction with the existing system is in addition to splitting the community into different camps according to Kuhn, one of the points of the analogy does fit into a political revolution. have achieved in politics, the dissatisfaction of some value, so that the people see no other way out than to go on the road.
Debate: Simon White (left), Pavel Kroupa (right) and Hans-Peter Nilles Bethe Colloquium in November's 2010th

And just as in politics, the established academic system tries to defend his position as long as possible. As Mubarak tried to defend with minimal concessions to the demonstrators his presidential status as long as possible, is also available in the science strategy, the scope of the theory in question and reduce problems caused by ad hoc assumptions to defuse. Whether the introduction of dark energy and dark matter and, as such, ad hoc assumptions, and thus seen as a sign of future dwindling power of the CCM model, or whether it simply a question he has time to be in the context of the established theory of a response related to the question of the nature is to be seen.

In Egypt, Mubarak has plunged, Gaddafi still. The standard model, however, has so far been in power. We will see whether and if so when to be strong dissatisfaction within the cosmology is that we also can experience a revolution, or whether the standard model will prove durable as a proper description of the universe.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Fix 2 Year Old Constipation

from the Neolithic Revolution

Neue Zürcher Zeitung from 25 2. 2011

For the first time Wheels

"New Stone Age in Transition" - an exhibition at the Badische Landesmuseum Karlsruhe

Under the title "New Stone Age in Transition "dedicated to an exhibition of the Badische Landesmuseum in Karlsruhe castle known as Michel Berger culture. The show also conveys a sense of what daily life in Europe looked like 6,000 years ago.

By Cornelia Isler-Kerényi

In a letter from his Prussian colleague of 20 October 1884, Ernst Wagner, the Grand Ducal Baden Conservator of Antiquities, the discovery of ancient shards when reported on a picturesque hill near Grombach lying Michael Chapel. You are the occasion for an exhibition at the Karlsruhe Palace, which is linked thematically to that of the sensational discoveries vorneolithischen in eastern Turkey.

from the excavations that began in 1888 and other similar discoveries in Central Europe is emerging is the Neolithic from about 4300-3500 BC Michel Berger datable culture. As in the catalog clearly stated, however, should not in prehistoric context, the term "culture" are used uncritically and understood. Where that is only material, usually even only inorganic is available, any clue about the language and world view is lacking, it is difficult to decide whether indicate similarities or differences in the archaeological record on "economic and transport facilities, cultural facilities, wedding parties, garage parties or technology areas" . Material witness Michel Berger culture is, in addition to animal horns and bones, and various stone tools, hand formed simple ceramics, stained differently by the fire, sometimes with Ritz geometric patterns decorated and amazingly rich in forms is: In addition to storage vessels of considerable scope, there are different pots, bowls and drinking vessels. Advance are the typical elegant tulip cups, which can be decorated with a pearl chain attached Knubbenleisten.

The earthworks

The limited material base also makes the interpretation of the most striking feature of Michel Berger culture, earthworks, controversial. This is the limit-populated in part, of varying scope of land by an approximately oval-shaped system of earth graves, or sequences of pits, and low of formed from the excavation walls, in places by bridges impassable or have been reinforced by wooden palisades. A concrete image provides an introduction to the issue of actual-size model of access to such an earthwork. Did these systems of defense, or ceremonial purposes as Viehkrale? For a ritual function in any case says the funds carefully deposited ceramics, animal bones and raw and unused, in the silex blades imported from far away Grave in the sole of the model shown earthworks at Bruchsal, "Aue" in Karlsruhe. All three of these uses are also possible at the same time. It is significant in any case that is now circumscribed country a special significance was determined with ideas.

The dimensions of these exchanges, it is hard to imagine otherwise than that they were jointly planned and executed. This in turn presupposes the existence of certain social structures. Because are detected in the culture today Michel Berger neither outstanding nor grave cemeteries plants, but usually only pits with a large number of skeletons, it is rather egalitarian organized Societies. The formation of hierarchies, ie the protruding economically and socially dominant characters seems to be only with the use of the metals to be passed along to say first of copper. In a changing society in any case also indicated the changing settlement patterns in short time intervals.


It deserves to be emphasized here that not only the rich, attractive catalog, but also the special exhibition, Michel Berger culture not as a , the Baden country characteristic phenomenon present, but represent more decidedly in their environmental, geographical and temporal context and appear to be dynamic and multifaceted. It is understandable, as it has evolved from earlier phases of agriculture and domestication made possible by sedentary lifestyles and some of those different, which have flourished at the same time at the lake shores of the foothills. These are for research and for the audience-presentation preference, even on organic material - have, what makes a true picture of life at that time - Bast, textiles, wood and bark. In the second part of the show are accordingly numerous finds from excavations to marvel at in Switzerland.

lakes and rivers were known until 150 years ago by far the most important communications, transport and transport routes to larger distances. So the earthworks of Michel Berger culture were usually close to water courses. Nevertheless, the invention of the wheel was not only practically important because it as the harvesting easier, but probably also as a manifestation of human ingenuity. However, it now seems doubtful that this invention is a one-on shortly after 3500 BC in Mesopotamia datable event, radiating north and west. Even in Eastern and Central Europe Go depictions of cars - as well as the oldest known ruts in Schleswig-Holstein - on the second half of the 4th Millennium back. To illustrate the wheel here from Zurich Riesbach be seen, which is also dated to around 3200 BC, and the reconstruction of a Neolithic car that inspired the exhibition.

metal technology

The expansion of the horizon to the east are some already on the last time before 4000 BC, declining hoards from Poland, the Czech Republic, Austria and Hungary. They document the Penetration of metal technology to Central Europe and a growing appreciation for copper, gold and then silver as status symbols. The catalog Pfahlbauromantik forms in the paintings of the 19th Century, the financial statements. This will realize how much the required archaeological research and the presentation of their results, the ongoing critical review of modern projections onto the past - and profit from it too.

Neolithic in transition. Baden State Museum in Karlsruhe. To 15 May 2011. Catalog (Primus Verlag, Darmstadt) € 39 -.